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Here If You Need!

Raiders Allstars Netball Club are committed to supporting your physical and mental wellbeing.

Our aim is to:

  • create a culture where every single member feels supported, included and empowered

  • enhance awareness about how to optimise mental wellbeing through education for players, coaches, managers, umpires, volunteers & caregivers

  • to provide confidential support, information and referral to any member who is in need 

Wellbeing Officer

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Hi, I'm Di and I am the Wellbeing Officer at Raiders Allstars Netball Club. I have been either playing in, coaching or managing netball teams for about 40 yrs. I have a great understanding of the game and the challenges that can sometimes be part of competitive sport. I am also a parent of a netball player and a Registered Counsellor with a special interest in adolescent mental health and parenting. As children grow up, playing sport and being part of a larger community is incredibly protective for their mental wellbeing. I am dedicated to ensuring kids and adults stay playing (and loving) sport and feel included and supported. 


When it comes to families, sometimes life can also get tough and it is at those times, we need the village to rally around us, and at Raiders, we are part of your village.  

As the Raiders Wellbeing Officer it is my mission to support players, coaches, managers, umpires, committee members, volunteers and families.

How I can help:

  • confidential support in addressing any immediate crisis

  • ensure you have the right resources to help you

  • give you a referral to an appropriate support service

  • provide education through online platforms (website and social media) that you can access as required

If you would like support you can contact me by:

1. Emailing me at

2. Contacting any committee member who can put us in touch with each other. 

3. Finding me at training on Wednesday nights and at the games on Saturday.


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